A Day in Photos- Marathon Edition

5 AM Pre-Race pics!

It is finally done!  a year of anticipation and training- and it has finally happened- I crossed the line at the Boston Marathon!IMG_20140421_072607_990 IMG_20140421_073209_815

Tracy and I at the village!
Tracy and I at the village!
On the way to the corrals
Tracy partook in a beer!
Mile 6-7- still feeling really good.
Mike's view at Heartbreak Hill!
Mike’s view at Heartbreak Hill!
Running to hug Mom and Emily and Mike!
Running to hug Mom and Emily and Mike!
And back onto the course
I mumbled some things at these people about the race

AND to be CONTINUED!  with a race recap.

For the curious- I ran in 3:38:40-  NOT my goal time AT ALL- but I finished the marathon, took back my day- and crossed the line :)  I am still processing the factors that slowed me down- but numero uno was that I got HOT HOT HOT in the full sun yesterday.  I also had some trouble breathing (either allergies or anxiety, or BOTH)-  but I feel good that I only gave up about 10 minutes to those issues and didn’t let the wheels really spin off into the distance.

Thank you to EVERYONE for all of the incredible support, encouraging thoughts, support on the course, love, phone calls, texts- it has meant a lot.

Those that ran yesterday- what were your thoughts??  Anyone else overheating from training in the snow and running in full sun and 67/70 degrees??






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8 Responses to A Day in Photos- Marathon Edition

  1. Nichole says:

    It was a tough day for a fast race. I was very happy with my race but it was not what I think I am capable of. I was right on pace through 30K and then the hills and heat took over. I needed to walk through every water station to drain a full cup of Gatorade AND water. Such a special day. Glad to have been a part of it. Do your toes REALLY hurt?

    • kristina says:

      I have a totally blue/purple pinky toe! I never usually get blisters when I run- let alone these blood blisters- but my feet must have been sweating a ton more that usual! Glad you had a good race :)

  2. Laura Bianco says:

    First of all – yay on finishing!!!!!! I think your finishing time is great considering the conditions. The heat KILLED me too. When you have been training in the freezing cold and then suddenly race in 65 degree heat with full sun, its going to be a shock for your body!

    I’m dealing with my own not-so-stellar finishing time, which is due to many factors including the heat, but especially due to being undertrained because of injury. By the middle of the race I just told myself I should be honored to even be running and to stop worrying about my time – I knew it wasn’t going to be a PR or anything, so who cares???

    Anyway, amazing job. It must have been even more special for you since you experienced the tragedy last year and then the incredible uplifting vibe of this year’s race.

  3. Nice job lady!
    The heat killed me big time. Really bad….
    It was still an amazing day though and congrats to you!

    • kristina says:

      It was an amazing day- the marathon is a humbling distance- sometimes you just can’t control how your body will respond to outside factors!

  4. Great race! Love the pictures and the beer handouts 😉 can’t wait to read your full recap!

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